October 2014 Art Blog

Recycled Robots:
The Kindergarten students studied basic geometric shapes and used the shapes to sketch a whimsical robot. Using the sketches as their guides, students cut out geometric shapes out of recycled materials to build and collage the structural parts of their robots. Recycled metal and plastic washers were added for details such as eyes, wheels and buttons. To finish off the robot piece, students created a fancy frame our of recycled materials. 

Color Theory: Fall Colors/Leaf Composition:
The first grade students were introduced to their first color theory lesson. We read the wonderful book titled “Mouse Paint” by Ellen Stoll Walsh and learned about primary colors. Students used the primary colors to mix beautiful fall colors and painted an entire large background with colors you might see looking at fall leaves. 

During the second part of this painting unit, students were introduced to the concept of how artists compose/arrange and plan their paintings. By overlapping and cropping leaves, students created interesting, dynamic compositions of fall leaves, outlined with black paint on their previously painted backgrounds. 

Eric Carle Inspired Insects:
The second grade students were introduced to the illustrator Eric Carle. He is one of the best-known creators of contemporary children’s books. Carle has had an enormous impact on children's literature since the late 1960s. He developed a technique of painting tissue paper in brilliant colors and applying texture with a variety of tools. Carle calls this “painting pretty papers”. He uses the papers to create colorful collages to illustrate his stories. 

Just like Eric Carle, students painted “pretty papers” and used the collage technique to illustrate whimsical insects. This lesson correlates with the second grade core science unit “The Life Cycle of an Insect”. 

Chinese Brush Paintings:
The third grade students have been studying the amazing art of Chinese Brush Painting. The students were introduced to the Chinese child artist Yani, who became famous with her whimsical depictions of monkeys when she was only 4 years old.  
After a lot of practice, how to use a Chinese brush and ink correctly, students worked with their subject of choice. The final paintings were painted on rice paper and each student created a “seal/chop” to print onto their finished piece. 

Nature Installations inspired by Andy Goldsworthy:
The fourth grade students were introduced to the Scottish artist Andy Goldsworthy. He is known for his collaboration with nature.  Using snow, ice, twigs, leaves and stones, he creates one-of-a-kind sculptures.  As is the case with most of his works, the materials Goldsworthy uses to create his artistic pieces eventually return to their natural state, leaving no trace of the artistic piece.

Students were paired up and asked to collaborate to arrange, shape or in some way temporarily alter nature to create a fragile “masterpiece” of design in our school backyard. The students’ sculptures were photographed and their pictures were used in their 4th grade homerooms to extend the learning through writing.  Back in their homerooms students explored their descriptive writing skills by writing an artist’s statement.


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