April 2021 Art Blog
During the week of April 12, 2021 Bacich teachers and community volunteers delivered an arts based unit on skin colors to 44 Marin Country Public Elementary Schools. Inside the inclusive language tote bag: Bacich Elementary School Social Justice Skin Color unit, The Skin You Live In book, by Michael Tyler and beautifully painted bookmarks in skin tones by Bacich students. So much gratitude to all who leaned into this important message of acceptance & self love. Thank you to a fantastic team making this happen. Donation Package Bookmarks painted by K-4th grade Bacich Students This fantastic action step includes a long list of individuals and organizations who donated books, resources, and endless support to bring this unit of acceptance and inclusion to all Marin elementary schools. With gratitude we’d like to recognize; Raquel Rose, Mary Ann Spitzer, Wendy Holmes, Barbara Libby-Steinmann, Thalia Milano, Marty Ross, Anna Rochester, Michael Tyler, Jenny Novack, Jennifer Ball, KSPTA...