
Showing posts from April, 2019

April 2019 Art Blog

Open House Art Show 2019 On April 4th we celebrated Bacich Open House. It was a very special evening.   Thank you moms, dads,  grandmas, grandpas, siblings and Bacich Bears for visiting the Bacich Art Show. Over 640 fabulous, colorful  pieces  of artworks were on display. Students were proud to share their works with their families and friends. Thank you KSDPTA, Kick and Bacich community for supporting the arts!  Transitional Kindergarten:           Spring Flowers In this lesson TK students were introduced to two different art media: watercolor and oil pastel. Students explored the difference between watercolor (wet medium), and oil pastel (dry medium). Students noticed that the wet medium spreads and bleeds, on the contrary, the dry medium does not. Students painted a large paper flower, experimenting with each of the two media. Students were also introduced to the art element of text...