February 2019 Art Blog
Transitional Kindergarten: Snail Line Drawing & RED TK Students were introduced to the works of Saul Steinberg. Steinber (1914-1999) was a Romanian and American cartoonist and illustrator, best known for his work for The New Yorker. He described himself as a "writer who draws". Drawing is one of the most important activities for students to practice and it is best to start the practice at a young age. Drawing not only provides the basis for other creative activities- like painting, sculpture and printmaking- but it also provides a direct link with reading, writing and especially mathematics. Drawing is the single most accessible form of art available. TK students used a felt-tip pen to draw a variety of lines to create an imaginary snail. Students drew a spiral shell into which the snail can withdraw its whole body. Students imagined other creatures living with the snail and drew houses for the "snail's friends" on top and around the spiral shell. The...