
Showing posts from March, 2018

March Art Blog, 2018

Bacich Community Art Fence  School Wide Project TK-4th Grade As of March, all grade levels have started the work for our  Bacich Community Art Fence. Students are  fully engaged creating stunning art pieces. This is a Project Based Learning (PBL), collaborative learning and creating experience. PBL is  an instructional approach which deliberately emphasizes engagement, invites curiosity, and values student voice and choice; In short, it's learning by doing.  Integrating visual arts and connecting the subject areas of math, science, reading, writing, and technology with this project has ensured meaningful learning experiences for our students.  The emphasis on students applying what they have learned aligns with the expectations of the National Visual Arts Standards, Common Core Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards.  The culmination of our all-school PBL will be a mural like public art piece ...