Art Blog April 2014
Thank you to all of you who came to visit "The Bacich Box Show" on April 10. The show was a huge success! Thank you to all 1st-4th grade art docents for doing an amazing job informing our guests, and representing your grade levels. During the month of April the Kindergarten through 4th grade students have worked on the following art projects: Kindergarten Flower Vase Still-Life 3rd grade Navajo Sand Paintings Kindergarten: Oil Pastel Flower Vase Still-Life There are crayons... and then there are pastels! In this project, the students were introduced to the photorealist Ben Schonzeit. Students practiced flower drawing techniques. While depicting the flowers and vases on a large scale, the students also picked up basic oil pastel skills - learning how to blend by layering the intense, mixable pastel colors, shading to achieve light and dark,and using their fingers as a tool. A layered, three-dimensional effect was also a...